Friday, December 7, 2007

The Golden Compass

Everyone, settle down ... especially so-called evangelicals spoiling for a fight with the devil, and tight-jawed Roman Catholics who see a heretic in every question.

This is a profoundly thoughtful film, spiritually energizing, technically so well done, with a stellar cast, especially Dakota Blue Richards who plays the central character, a young girl, gifted and wise, Lyra Belacqua.

This is film all about truth and those who repress it. Is this not a familiar theme throughout human history and, sadly, the story of the church? Power, whatever its cast, political or religious, sooner or later becomes a distortion of itself, and resentful and fearful of anyone who suggests the emperor may be buck-naked after all.

A faith that cannot take a question is no faith worth anyone's time.

If it has to be defended by violent means, repression and mind-control, with a ton of religious dictates and eagled-eyed guardians ready to pounce in a moment, it is, by definition, defective and far from the truth is pretends to offer.

And for some thoughts from a Roman Catholic, please see:

An excellent analysis by a writer/scholar thoroughly versed in Pullman's books. We are rightfully reminded that Pullman'sposture is not so much against faith and hope and love, or even God, but against the powers of the church - those silly trappings that really aren't so silly, but dangerous to mind and heart, body and soul. The organization that brought the world the inquisition is still capable of terrible efforts against the soul.

As the film so powerfully depicts, the Magisterium seeks to separate us from our souls, and the earlier the better - get to the children first - lest we think and challenge its power.

What or who is the Magisterium?

Could be the church ... could be governments ... could be parents ... could be angry evangelical preachers shouting too loudly ... anyone or anything driven by fear and compelled to conceal and control.

No need to worry. Pullman uncovers the little man behind the curtain and reminds all of us that the God of the Church is quite often no god at all.

Turn to the text, especially Genesis; read the gospels and listen to Jesus as he contends against the Magisterium.

Read the foundational stories again, thoroughly ... and know that following Jesus is liberation, whereas following the dictates of religion is oppression.


Can we ever have a world without it?

Not likely, but we can be mindful, we can be wise ... the enemies of faith are never those who raise questions, or even attack it, but those who defend their kingdoms with power and fear - they, like the ones who crucified Jesus, are the real enemies of faith!

Go see the movie and enjoy a fine story about a very brave young lady. Read Pullman's books and discover a Truth behind our truths, a Church behind our churches, a God, living and good, behind the cruelty and harshness of a dogmatic god constructed by tradition.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God and Father of Jesus, is alive and well, and thanks be to God for those who unmask our hideous pretensions and help all of us regain our senses.